June 27, 2010

Garden to Table

Congratulations to all our recent 8th grade graduates and our continuing OCS students. The year is over and summer break is finally here. While it's tempting to kick back and let the Beanstalk go on vacation too, there are still things happening around our neighborhood that are worthy of a quick post now and again.

Gardens in Altadena flourish in their own microclimate. Abutting the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains, we enjoy cooler, foggier springtimes, wetter winters and hotter summer evenings. This means that gardens, especially vegetable gardens, mature at a "local" pace. Most of our Odyssey neighbors have lots of green tomatoes, but no red ones quite yet. The chili peppers are taking their time and even the pattypan, zucchini and yellow squashes are only now getting ready to harvest.

But if you've planted greens like mustard, collard, kale and swiss chard, you're facing a bumper crop. These cut-and-come-again plants have done really well in our cooler "june gloom" weather. A mess of greens, classically prepared with bacon, onions and a handful of black eyed peas, is always delicious, especially when there is a wedge of cornbread and some sauteed sweet potatoes to go along. But feel free to experiment. I'm posting a truly delicious recipe from Algerian blogger extraordinaire Warda at her 64 square foot kitchen website. 

She has added smoked paprika to this dish, which adds a distinctly mesmerizing flavor. It's a spice worth seeking out. While Warda has used Kale here, any type of greens would be fine. Fresh greens from the garden cook surprisingly fast so you can go from garden to table in 30 minutes or less. Just add toasted pita and maybe a bit of marinated feta on the side and dinner is served.

Sautéed Kale with Cumin and Smoked Paprika

Recipe: serves 4
- 1 bunch Kale (about 1 pound/500g)
- 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 cup/250ml parsley sprigs, tightly packed
- 1/2 cup/ 125ml fresh coriander, tightly packed
- 1 tsp freshly ground cumin
- 1/4 tsp smoked paprika
- 1 tbsp plain yogurt
- Salt, black pepper
- lemon wedges
- Oil cured black olives

Strip the kale leaves off their stems and cut away the tough midribs of any large leaves. Chop finely and wash in plenty of water. Drain well.

Chop and pound the parsley, coriander, garlic and 1/4 tsp salt to a paste in a mortar or a food processor.

Heat a large sauté pan and add olive oil and the chopped onion. Cook until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the herb paste. Cook 2 minutes stirring and without burning, then add the kale, cumin and smoked paprika, stir to combine, and cover the pan. Cook for 15 minutes, or until the greens are tender. When they are tender, remove the lid and allow any excess water to evaporate. Turn off the heat and stir in the yogurt.

Serve with bread, cured black olives, or any of your favorite olives, and wedges of lemon to squeeze to taste.

June 22, 2010

Herbs and Health

Right about now OCS families are starting to harvest fresh tomatoes, squash and peppers from their own front or back yards veggie patches. That superfresh produce is tossed into salads, laid on the grill or briefly added to saute pans to create dishes yielding the quintessential flavors of summer. While we all plant primarily to enjoy the just picked flavors of summer produce, we can't forget that some plants, especially herbs, are also good for our health in more mysterious ways. Herbs, often misidentified as simple weeds, have a long culinary and medicinal history.

Wild herbs were used as healing remedies long before records were kept—Otzi, the 5,300-year-old Iceman found in the Alps in 1991, had medicinal mushrooms among his personal effects—and they’ve been an integral part of Eastern medicine for centuries. Today modern medicine is beginning to realize that herbs may ease the symptoms of many ailments, from the common cold to arthritis, because they contain important health-promoting compounds such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.

Growing your own herbs is easy and fun, and the fresh leaves are more potent than dried ones. All you need are some pots, soil, and a sunny spot. Here are five gentle but effective herbs that are ideal for amateur gardeners—they’re simple to grow and will thrive in just about any environment. Better yet, they have few side effects when consumed in small amounts, and you can take them with most pharmaceutical or over-the-counter drugs. If you’re on blood thinners or have a serious condition, consult your doctor first.


First cultivated near London in 1750, peppermint has been shown to be an effective remedy for indigestion. “It calms the muscles of the digestive tract to alleviate intestinal gas and cramping,” says Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine in Tucson. A cup of warm peppermint tea may also thin mucus, loosen phlegm, and soothe sore throats. Apply it topically to take the itch out of bug bites or to ease muscle cramps, arthritis, and headaches.

Growing tip: Snipping can begin two to three weeks after a plant is established. Be sure not to strip the stem bare or you’ll compromise the plant. Remember that peppermint is part of the mint family of herbs and as such, can be invasive when planted directed into the garden. You can either tuck it into a spot with lots of room, or plant it in pot filled with well loose soil. Health Benefits: Settles upset stomach; eases muscle cramps

Lemon balm

Arab doctors in the 9th and 10th centuries called lemon balm the gladdening herb and prescribed it to dispel anxiety and heart palpitations. More recently, a panel of physicians, pharmacologists, and scientists appointed by the German Ministry of Health endorsed the herb for relieving tension, anxiety, and restlessness. There’s also evidence of cognitive benefits. In a small study published in Neuropsychopharmacology, 20 healthy young adults reported increased memory and improved mood after ingesting lemon balm. Another study found similar results among Alzheimer’s patients.

Growing tip: Like peppermint, lemon balm is fast growing. If you plant it in your garden rather than in a pot, be sure to give it a lot of space. Health Benefits: Dispels anxiety; improves mood. Lemon balm can be steeped for a light and delicious herbal tea. It can also be added to cool summer drinks.


Rosemary thrives in southern California, in a climate similar to its roots in the Mediterranean. The use of rosemary as a memory enhancer dates back at least to early Western civilization. Greek students wore garlands of rosemary around their heads, and students in Rome massaged their temples and foreheads with the herb prior to exams. The herb can also reduce joint pain. To make a topical ointment, soak rosemary needles in almond oil for two weeks, filter, then rub the oil onto sore joints as needed.

Growing tip: Rosemary is best grown from a plant and performs well in a container or directly sown into the earth where it can grow even in poor soil. Health Benefits: Increases memory; reduces joint pain


Used throughout history as a sedative and sleep aid, valerian gets its name from the Latin valere, which means “to be in good health.” Just the smell alone of the sweetly scented plant is enough to put some people out. Research conducted on 16 insomniacs at Humboldt University of Berlin, in Germany, found valerian extract helped them nod off faster and improved the quality of their sleep.

Growing tip: When valerian is used for medicinal purposes, cut the flowers as soon as they appear (otherwise, they take energy from the leaves). Opt for the Valeriana officinalis variety, which can be used medicinally.Health Benefits: Acts as sleep aid; has sedative effects


Research conducted at the Allergy Clinic in Landquart, Switzerland, last year found that sage combined with echinacea was as effective as the painkiller lidocaine in relieving sore throat pain. Plus, studies show that the herb’s bacteria-fighting heft makes it a potent breath freshener. To make sage mouthwash, steep 1 tablespoon sage leaves in 1 cup of hot water for 5 minutes. Strain and gargle.

Growing tip: Sage is best started from a plant, because it can take up to a year to establish itself. The best medicinal variety is Salvia officinalis.Health Benefits: Eases sore throats and freshens breath nicely.

June 18, 2010

Still Life

Just posting a beautiful image taken by parent Karen Merchant of the classroom snack baskets prepared by parents during the STAR testing week(s). Thank you all so much for your help.

June 9, 2010

In Fair Verona Where We Lay our Scene

Please join us in the Odyssey courtyard this Friday (4PM) and Saturday (5PM) for a reading of "The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet" a play by Mr. William Shakespeare presented by Mr. Bilandzjia's 7th and 8th grade English class. There will be snacks for sale, perhaps even oranges sold by comely maids.

June 3, 2010

Don't Mind If I Do

OK bakers, here is a super scrumptious recipe contributed by parent Karen Merchant. The dates and oats in the mixture should fix you right up!

Date Oatmeal Bars

1 1/2 cups Regular oats -- uncooked
1 1/2 cups All-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon Baking soda
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1 cup Firmly packed brown sugar
3/4 cup butter
2 (8-ounce) packages whole pitted dates
1 cup Water
1/2 cup Sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla or maple extract

Combine first 5 ingredients in a medium bowl. Cut in shortening with pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse meal. Reserve 1 cup crumb mixture for topping.Press remaining mixture into an ungreased 13- x 9- x 2-inch pan.Chop dates. Combine dates, water, and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, and simmer 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add vanilla or maple extract. Spread date mixture over crumb mixture. Sprinkle with reserved 1 cup crumb mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool and cut into squares. Makes about 4 dozen date bars.