December 9, 2009

Steph's Pomegranate Jelly

A great stocking stuffer, Stephanie Jenniches' pomegranate jelly will be for sale in the front office next week. Still $5 a jar and payment is on the honor system. Get a jar before they are gone. It's a damn divine spread.

Parent Artists' Help Requested

We now know there will be no paid Visual or Musical Arts coming to Odyssey this year...So its up to those of us who can bring our creative skills to the picture! Now is the time.

Our community is rich in talent and experience in all of the arts and we can bring all kinds of enrichment to our kids. If those of us experienced in the arts- Visual Arts, Performing Arts- Drama, Dance, Crafts, Music... were to take on one project, we could fill the school with the Arts!

You can just let me (MaryLinda) know the kind of Arts you are interested in contributing (Drumming, Painting, Dramatic Play, Choral, Video, Dance, Collage, Creative Writing, Quilting, Claywork...) and I will find a project, or if you want to bring in a series for our Arts in Residence we will find a class to bring that to and support to make it successful. All of the classes have space in their schedule for Art and Music, they are just waiting for one of us to bring it to them.

I took a few hours this week and did paper mache planets with both Kindergarden classes, there are parents coming in every week to do music and movement for the K classes, Karen Merchant has done sumi-e painting for Lisa's class, Aunt Crystal has brought Art to Heather's class, Paula Solano is doing a 6 week dramatic series for Jessica's class...what would you like to do??

We are currently looking for holiday cultural arts to share in some of the classrooms; Storytellers, a project for a family unit, shadow puppetry, a great bookmaking project, portraiture, dramatic play to explore subject areas, California song to a different tune, sculptural creation of habitats, 3D landforms and DNA models...among many others!

Please do bring your talents into the pool, the school will be a better place for it. It's fun, challenging, and exciting. You will get whatever support you need to make it a fun project for all - yourself included.

So take a few moments now, respond with an email ( or a phone call. Help make Odyssey an incredible place for our kids by bringing a bit of you to them.

Thank you so much,
MaryLinda Moss

December 8, 2009

Happy Holidays to the (extended) OCS community

Bear with us -- it's a crazy month with too much to do. But we want to send out all our best wishes to the whole community for a wonderful holiday. Check back in January for more news and pics.